Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flying with Infant

About 30 hours of travel time with a 7 month old - I thought it was going to be horrific!

It actually went surprisingly quickly! The first flight of 13 hours was overnight so we all slept most of the time. Baby slept through most of it with the occasional potty break and diaper changes. Daddy put Your Baby Can Read! on his iPod for her to watch in her car seat. That was the only time she was in it, the rest of the time she was strapped to me.

There was a little potty accident... I was changing her diaper and trying tp decide if I should potty her or not. I decided not to and went to get a diaper. Well... my indecision cost me and she wet the seat! Then I took my sweet time putting a diaper on her as I used the diaper I was going to put on her to clean the seat.... and of course she pees again! LOL. Good thing it was on daddy's seat ;)