Sunday, October 11, 2009
Coconuts Galore!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Island Eating
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Flying with Infant
Monday, August 31, 2009
Selling Everything to Leave the Country
We're down to 6 bags to check, 3 carry ons and a car seat. We also have a tote of keepsakes we're leaving with family and a small box of things to be sent to me for when I have the next baby.
What baby hAS TO Say about the whole thing.... hfdzsqzca 43333333333333333333333333 nn dvf 8i m,
I totally agree baby girl!
Necessities I'm taking... I suitcase full of cloth diapering supplies, a baby potty, jack LaLane Juicer and our Athena water alkalizing machine. We sold our blendtec (like a vitamix), our bed, my jewelry, most of my clothes, baby things I was hoping to keep and several other things I thought I could never part with.
I feel amazing at peace with the whole thing, though I did have some rough dreams... that'll be my next post :D
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
We're moving!! ...Out of the country!!
We've sold almost everything. We have about 6 bags of belongings that we have to take with us, 3-4 small boxes to store at my parent's, and 3-4 boxes of things still listed on EBay and Amazon oh and I've been a busy little bee.
We've had about 4-5 excruciating weekend garage sales. During which I had many strange dreams - like the one where I was on the titanic when it started sinking and I swam to the bottom where I found all my jewelry (that I had sold that day in the garage sale).
We've sold stuff on craigslist, donated truck loads of stuff and even more truck loads for the dumps - How do two people accumulate so much stuff? Boxes and boxes of stuff. And two huge closets of clothing. Now I have A suitcase.
COUNTDOWN We leave to visit family in less than 2 days. We fly out in less than 2 weeks!!
Today we went to Thrive in Seattle. We had ginger lemonade - very good. Mightly Thai salad - which I think is their best dish. Chia Bowl - Husband liked that one. Porto Bello burger - which I thought was just awful. For dessert chocolate moose - okay and key lime pie - which is delicious!
Baby is 7 months now. She's sitting up, which is a huge relief for me because she is so much more contented these days - though she was never really a fussy baby to begin with. I started playing some sign language DVDs a week ago... She's already signing!! Her favorite is "more milk" "more more more!!". She's kind of talking... She was watching her signing video and when they said milk, she replied "mill" - not a typo. Then just a couple days ago she signed more and said "more" - not exactly as we pronounce it, but I can't figure out how to get what she said onto a computer.
She's about 22 pounds! A bit of a chunk :D
The answers to your questions are most likely yes! Yes, we still carry out baby. I know, she's big. No, she doesn't hurt my back. I just sold my moby-like wrap as I didn't like how stretchy is it, also sold the baby bjorn active, which hurt my back for long trips. So I bought an Ergo carrier off of my good buddy craig (craigslist). I've also got a Storchenweige wrap on it's way - Which is a long woven wrap that gives a lot more support than the stretchy wraps so it's better for mommy and baby's developing and growing back. Found the cutest bear tonight that promotes babywearing... Organic Sleepy Bear Sleep Wear.
It's a bear that has a baby wrap carrier and carries a little baby bear!!
Yes, she's still breastfeeding. Yes, she still sleeps with us. Wait, here's a no... She doesn't sleep through the night but she doesn't pee all night! She wakes up with a dry diaper and I put her on the potty first thing, she almost overflows it!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Daddy got peed on!

There are definitely misses when you practice elimination communication!
Most of the time at home she doesn't wear a diaper. I generally do have a prefold (thick cloth diaper) under her and then a fleece blanket wrapped around her, which keeps misses from getting onto me or the couch. I also have her bouncy chair set up similarly. As you can see in the pic with Zoamore, she has a blue fleece blanket and then a prefold on top of that. So much easier to just switch the cloth out instead of changing a diaper everytime. Also makes it to she's not sitting in a wet diaper long, because i notice it quicker and also helps me to learn more of her ques.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Scrumptius Carrot Cake with Orange Frosting RAW
I got this recipe off of Submitted by earthintruder
This cake was adored by everyone I shared it with at work. It is highly fiberous with just the right amount of sweetness.
2 cup shredded carrot
2 cup soaked seeds + handful walnuts
½ cup diced pineapple
½ cup raisens
¼ cup agave, honey, yacan syrup, add more or less to taste
1 sprinkle cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
1 sprinkle fresh ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon vanilla extract or scrapings of bean
1 pinch celtic sea salt
½ cup shredded coconut, optional
Soak seeds 6-8 hours in purified water, or overnight.
Rinse and Drain. In a food processer, combine seeds and walnuts. Grind until smooth, but be careful not to make into “butter.” You may have to scrap the sides down more than a few times to get well blended. set aside.
Combine all other ingredients in large bowl. Taste as you go along. After mixing all the ‘sweets and spices’..add the seeds and form into a round circle. I then freeze this cake for about 2 hours, then frost it with the orange frosting I posted earlier. =) peace and love, enjoy!
The first time I created this cake, I put way too much cinnamon, and apparently Jonny ( my BF ) claims it tasted like ‘Big red’ the chewing gum.
this “frosting” is a perfect compliment to carrot cake. I absolutley love making carrot cake with pinnapple and raisens and topping it off with this decadent fluff. Make sure to adjust sweetner to your tasting as I don’t like that sweet of stuff. enjoy! peace and love
1 cup coconut butter
1 tablespoon orange zest
juice of an orange
1 teaspoon vanilla, or scrapings of bean
pinch cinnamon
pinch sea salt
extra water for consistancy
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
In a food processor, combine all ingredients except extra water. Add water slowly as needed to make that “fluffy” dollop frosting.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Elimination Communication
Basically, it's being in tune with baby's nonverbal cues of when they are going potty and putting them over a potty instead of in the diaper.
I've been doing EC with Zoamore since she was 6 weeks old, about 2 weeks now. We go through the whole night dry as I can tell when she needs to go better when I'm sleeping! When she needs to poop she'll kick and sometimes make a funny squeak. She's often content sitting on the potty and sometimes after she's done her business she passes out! As you can tell from this picture.
She often cries when she's wet herself in a diaper until I change it so I think she likes using potty too. Plus I rarely have to change a poopy diaper now, yay :)
This is a great website about EC...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
6 Week Checkup
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ten Days After Zoamore's Birth

Breastfeeding Difficulties
Poor latch - Baby girl did not like opening up wide, leads to sore nipples, which lead to blisters, which leads to scabs, which leads to cracked nipples (didn't get cracking, as they healed). But with blisters it leaves the breasts susceptible to mastitis. Which I did get. I had the chills and sweats one night and 101.7 degree temperature and one of my breasts was painful near the armpit, where the lymphnodes are. I didn't want to call the doctor, knowing that an MD would just prescribe me antibiotics... which can lead to developing yeast and then thrush... as I mentioned before... ouch!
So this is what I did and it cleared up within 48 hours...
- Lots of prayer!
- Husband gave awesome neck rub to help with tension I was carrying in neck and shoulders
- Kept a good diet of fresh fruit, veggies and Glenn juiced for me yumm
- Lymphonest added to my water (this helps to strengthen the immune system and clear lymphs)
- Echinacea (the one I took has shitake mushrooms added, it's called Lysine and it tastes awful)
- Cabbage or a slice of potato placed over the painful area (this draws out toxins)
- Before feeding on the effected breast I would place a warm pack on area (this helps with the flow)
- Stayed in the bedroom and got lots of rest
- Super hydrated, I upped the pH on my alkalizing machine too as bacteria (which is what mastitis is- a bacteria infection) cannot thrive in a high pH environment
- As I read on several other sites, Nurse, Nurse, Nurse
- While nursing, massage effected area to help unblock any blockages
- Keep areolas clean
- Don't wear a tight bra, better to go bra-less during this time
Within 48 hours my temperature was back to normal, with no pain in effected breast and no need for antibiotics.
If you are having high temperatures, it is recommended that you seek professional care. Mastitis left alone, untreated, without healing, can lead to the breast needing to be drained surgically.
Friday, January 23, 2009
First Cloth Diaper

The first two days I decided to use Earth's Best disposables, so that the meconium wouldn't stain the cloth diapers. Today Zoa is 3 days old! Since she's already passed all the meconium, she's now wearing her organic cotton prefolds with either a sugar pears wool cover or wool pants. Here she is in her prefold with a snappi (the yellow thing-has claws that grip the cloth instead of using pins)
First Chiropractic Adjustment for Baby!
Baby Zoamore Rachelle
Pain Free Childbirth

So contractions started around 3:30am. I did some reading online, took a shower, and crawled back onto the bed. I slept in between the contractions and when the contractions started I would roll off the bed to get onto the birth ball. I would either bounce on the ball or rotate my hips around in circles.