Here's a list of some things that I have put aside:
flashlight (so that midwife can use instead of putting on the main light)
old towels
chuck pads
baby items - diaper, coconut oil, clothes etc
TIP: Coconut oil is great for using on a newborn's bottom while they still have merconium
receiving blankets
snacks for birth team
birthing ball (ya know one of those big workout balls that you can bounce on)
washcloths for use in a crockpot for warm compresses
cord clamps
bulb syringe
hot water bottle
sippy cup
labor bag, in case of hospital transfer
Just purchased a birthing tub by "made in water"
Still need to get a pump to blow it up, a garden hose and attachments to fill it up
Also need to do:
music selections
scriptures - laminated
finish the hospital bag
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