Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Am I in Labor??

So... it's 5am and I've been having contractions for a couple hours now. Um... I got up at I think 3am. These ones are definitely different than the ones that I have been having this past month. Before it was just a tightness of my belly that for the most part I could sleep through. Occasionally I would get figity or moan and that would wake me up! It's still a tightness, but the feeling is more intense towards my pubic bone area.

I took a shower and had some chamomile, hoping that I could go back to sleep. Through the contractions however, it's difficult to fall asleep as there's so much tightening. My husband and I decided to come downstairs, relax with the dogs for a bit and open up a contraction timer online. Here's the one that I'm using...

So far they're about 3-6 minutes apart and 30 seconds duration. Drinking lots of water and bouncing during contractions helps the rest of me relax. Well, I'm going to head upstairs and see if I can get some rest or maybe clean the kitchen!

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